Replacement Hickory Handle for Splitting Axe No.21-507 Replacement Hickory Handle for Splitting Axe No.21-507 Replacement Hickory Handle for Universal Axe with Handle Protection No.21-506 Replacement Hickory Handle for Universal Axe with Handle Protection No.21-506 Bison Replacement Handle for the Universal Profiline Axe Bison Replacement Handle for the Universal Profiline Axe Replacement Hickory Handle for Universal Ax No.21-505 Replacement Hickory Handle for Universal Ax No.21-505 Bison Replacement Handle for the Profiline Splitting Axe Bison Replacement Handle for the Profiline Splitting Axe Bison Replacement Handle for the 1879 Splitting Hatchet Bison Replacement Handle for the 1879 Splitting Hatchet Replacement Hickory Handle for Oberharzer Axe No.21-504 Replacement Hickory Handle for Oberharzer Axe No.21-504 Bison Replacement Handle for the Splitting Hatchet 1250 g 70 cm Bison Replacement Handle for the Splitting Hatchet 1250 g 70 cm Bison Replacement Handle for the Universal Axe 1600 g Bison Replacement Handle for the Universal Axe 1600 g Bison Replacement Handle for the Splitting Hatchet 800 g Bison Replacement Handle for the Splitting Hatchet 800 g Bison Replacement Handle for the 1879 Sappy 38 cm Bison Replacement Handle for the 1879 Sappy 38 cm Replacement Hickory Handle for Hatchet No.21-503 Replacement Hickory Handle for Hatchet No.21-503 Bison Replacement Handle for the Carpenter's Hatchet 800 g Bison Replacement Handle for the Carpenter's Hatchet 800 g Bison Replacement Handle for the 1879 Throwing Axe Bison Replacement Handle for the 1879 Throwing Axe Bison Replacement Handle for the Splitting Hatchet 1250 g 50 cm Bison Replacement Handle for the Splitting Hatchet 1250 g 50 cm Replacement Handle for the Bison Forestry Axe 1400 g Replacement Handle for the Bison Forestry Axe 1400 g